Hear from JQ - Julia Quinn

Hear from JQ

There are lots of different ways to stay connected with what’s new and interesting with JQ and her books. How do you like to be informed?

This Website

Team JQ promises that we will update JuliaQuinn.com as soon as we have confirmed content, whether about Upcoming Releases, Author Events, or other new content such as FAQ or Book Extras. For the most part, all new content is announced on the home page via JuliaQuinn.com Site News.

Questions about this site appear in the FAQ. And if something on the site looks odd or unexpected, please contact JQ’s Web Team. Thanks!


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  • There are lots of different ways to stay connected with what’s new and interesting with JQ and her books. How do you like to be informed?

Industry Contacts

Literary Representation

The Axelrod Agency
Steve Axelrod
Lori Antonson for Subsidiary Rights.


Avon Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers


Jessica Lyons
Avon Books Publicity

Speaking Engagements

Christie Hinrichs
HarperCollins Speakers Bureau

JQ’s Web Team

Waxcreative Design

JQ's Web Team

Waxcreative Design

Do you have a question about JuliaQuinn.com? Have you found a broken link or site error? Contact Wax!

Please note: for inquiries, please use the representation and publicity contacts above.

If you think this is just about the most excellent author site around and if you want one of your own, be sure to tell us you came from JQ’s site, and you’ll get a referral bonus upon the launch of your new site.

Social Networks

JQ is on Facebook (where she is particularly active), Instagram, Pinterest, Goodreads, Bookbub, and Amazon. Please join her!

Emailing JQ

For practical reasons, Julia Quinn cannot be emailed directly from this site. If you have a question, Team JQ encourages you to peruse the extensive JQ FAQ. If you have a question that is not answered in the FAQ, please use this link.

Readers are encouraged to interact with her on Facebook and Instagram.

If you wish to contact her about a professional appearance, marketing campaign, or charitable endeavor, she can be reached through her publicist at HarperCollins Publishers.

The books and the shows come together here.